Based on the weather and other environmental conditions, DiscovAir provides location-specific, personalised advice and alerts for comfort and health. More specifically, the mobile application provides current and forecast assessments of users’ personalised environmental risk and comfort during their stay at their location as well as advice on measures to reduce that risk. DiscovAir also aims to help tourists to plan visits to sights of their interest by making it easier to answer questions like:
- How long is it safe to stay in the sun without protection?
- How is the air quality in the place I wish to visit?
- Is it likely that I will have breathing difficulties in the place I wish to visit?
- Are my allergies likely to be triggered?
The provided air quality and weather-related information, forecasts and alerts, are tailored to meet the personal needs of the users at their specific location. To do so, DiscovAir makes use of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) data. The service is fed and updated hourly by CAMS atmospheric composition data related, for example, to ozone (O3), atmospheric pollution (PM2.5 and PM10) and birch pollen. Additionally, CAMS data help DiscovAir provide comfort suggestions based on weather conditions such as air temperature, relative humidity, total cloud cover, wind speed, dust aerosols and UV index.